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Company Overview

  • What is SHIFT’s corporate philosophy?

    “We seek out new value concepts and work sincerely to provide value to the world.”

    For further details, we refer you to the link provided.

  • What is the history of SHIFT?

    SHIFT was founded by Masaru Tange on September 7, 2005.

    Calling upon Tange’s experience in his previous profession, SHIFT initially provided business process improvement consulting to manufacturing sector customers. Our turning point came in 2006. We were handling business process improvement consulting on a testing project at a major e-commerce site. In the process we noticed how large the potential market was, and this prompted us take our business in a substantially new direction. We knew we had a blue ocean market devoid of competition, and 2008 marked the full-fledged launch of our software testing unit, which is today our core line of business.

    In the initial days of our software testing business, we primarily served customers in field of entertainment and web services, but in 2017 we made another major change of direction in search of further growth. Given the substantial size of the market, we expanded into the enterprise field, developing major enterprise systems in sectors such as financial services and distribution.

    Since then, our sales have grown 50% (as of August 31, 2019).

  • What is the company’s fiscal year?

    We have an September-August fiscal year. For more information about our earnings reporting schedule, please see our IR calendar.

  • What is your president’s background?

    After graduating from Kyoto University Graduate School, Masaru Tange joined Incs Inc. (currently SOLIZE Corporation).

    Ever since his elementary school days, Tange aspired to be an entrepreneur, and after rising to a top consultant and managing a team of his own at Incs, he founded SHIFT at the age of 30. Tange figured that age 30 marked the juncture for such a transition, considering that the vitality required to launch a business would peak after his 20s, while he would accumulate the necessary post-founding connections and knowledge in his later years.

    After founding SHIFT, Tange provided consulting to manufacturing sector customers, calling upon his experience in the consulting division of Incs. He also entered in and won several business contests.

    Subsequently, in 2006 Tange undertook a project involving software testing for the first time. In 2008, software testing became SHIFT’s core line of business, and remains so today.

    For further information on Tange’s background, we refer you to the link provided.

  • When was SHIFT established? And what was the company’s initial line of business?

    September 7, 2005.
    SHIFT was founded by a business process improvement consultant serving the manufacturing sector, and other founding members share the same background. Hence, at that time, the consulting services for manufacturers was the main line of SHIFT’s business. In 2006, we took part in a software testing project of an e-commerse company as process improvement consultants, this was the start of our current “QA” business in IT industry.