Non-financial Performance

SHIFT emphasizes not only sales growth but also non-financial aspects such as employee working environment, effectiveness of governance, and thorough compliance. The table below shows non-financial data over the past 5 years.

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of employees *2 2,467 3,829 4,800 6,828 9,361
Among them, the number of women 629 1,049 1,344 1,923 2,606
Ratio of women 25.5% 27.4% 28.0% 28.2% 27.8%
Average age *3 34.6 34.2 34.5 33.4 36.5
Average age (industry average) *4 36.7 37.1 37.7 38.5 40.2
Number of engineers *5 2,054 3,537 4,322 6,115 8,415
Female ratio *6 22.8% 24.9% 26.5% 23.2% 24.8%
Number of non-IT personnel hired *7 630 940 581 916
Total number of engineers (Japan) *8 574,250 524,370 526,620 958,740 975,050
Total number of female engineer (Japan) *9 83,740 97,120 96,820 178,400 171,310
Female ratio (industry average) *10 14.6% 18.5% 17.7% 18.6% 17.6%
Directors (excluding executive officers and part-time officers) 6 8 7 8 9
Of which, number of independent outside directors 2 5 4 5 5
Ratio of independent outside directors to all directors 33.3% 62.5% 57.1% 62.5% 55.60%
Number of BOD held 15 13 15 13 14
Average participation rate of all independent outside directors 100.0% 100.0% 96.0% 100.0% 97.0%
Number of Board of Corporate Auditors/ Audit & Supervisor Committee *11 12 12 10 14 13
Average participation rate of all auditors/ audit & supervisor committee member 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Rate of increase in annual salary *12 9.4% 10.4% 10.7% 10.4% 10.2%
Number of participants in examinations of SHIFT 831 1,127 2,114
Number of participants in Top-gun exam *13 315 611 1,500
Number of Employees Passing Top-gun exam *14 83 176 215
Average monthly overtime hours *15 13.6 15.2 10.3 10.1 5.48
Average monthly overtime hours of SE (industry average) *16 16 16 13 11 13
Donations to JAPAN HEART (yen) 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,500,000
Number of books handed to employees with children *17 93 107 208 160 67
Number of employees at regional offices
Domestic sites *18 360 769 832 1,100 1,601
Overseas bases *19 113 137 143 180 202
International employees 113 137 143 180 202
e-learning attendance rate
Percentage of participants in information-security e-learning *20 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
e-learning participation rate for insider trading *21 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
e-learning participation rate including sexual harassment and power harassment *22 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
e-learning participation rate for human rights *23 100.0% 100.0%
e-learning participation rate for SDGs *24 100.0% 100.0%
SHIFRe utilization rate *25 33.8% 29.1% 20.9% 17.6% 9.0%
Number of new graduates*26 20 26 31 61 121
Rate of full-time employees who were contract employees*27 16.4% 30.5% 29.10% 28.0% 36.0%
Number of full-time employees who were contract employees*28 25 48 96 126 165
Number of childcare leave taken*29 4 12 24 41 80
Number of childcare leave taken (male) 11 33
Number of childcare leave taken (female) 25 47
Ratio of childcare leave taken (male) 44.0%
Ratio of childcare leave taken (female) 100.0%
Number of maternity leave taken 5 23
Return rate of employees who took childcare leave 66.0% 60.0% 100.0% 90.0% 100.0%
Retention rate within 3 years among employees taking childcare leave 50.0% 100.0% 71.0% 66.0% 71.0%
Number of employees who use short time work system (male) 0 0 0 0 1
Number of employees who use short time work system (female) 3 5 10 15 29
Number of aged care leave taken 1 1 3
Number of female managers*30 6 7 10 14 16
Number of days paid *31 14.8 10.3 7.7
Turnover rate *32 11.5% 13.0% 8.1% 7.4% 6.9%
Number of employees with disabilities 7 13 37 72 88
Turnover rate of employees with disabilities 60.0% 20.0% 18.2% 16.7% 11.9%
Intellectual Property 7 7 10 17 20
Patent rights acquired 1 1 3 8 8
Trademark rights acquired 6 6 7 9 12
CO2 emissions (t-CO2)
Scope 1 + 2 (t-CO2) *33 393.05 542.05
Scope 3 (Employee commuting) (t-CO2)) *34 285.28 226.48
CO2 intensity (t-CO2/Average number of employees during each fiscal year) *35 0.12 0.12
CO2 intensity(t-CO2/Net sales (Millions of yen)) *36 0.01 0.01

*1 “-” indicates that data is not available because this measures were not implemented or measures was not tabulated.

*2 Employees at the end of each fiscal year (including business partners and those dispatched)

*3 Employees at the end of each fiscal year (excluding officers)

*4 Cited from the Basic Statistical Survey of Wage Structure for each Fiscal Year. Figures in FY2021 are quoted from the 2020 survey. Also, due to 1) changes in definitions of each item in the survey and 2) change in SHIFT’s business scope, we have changed the items that we use to quote (as of October, 2021).

*5 Consolidated basis. Regardless of type of employment contract

*6 Parent basis

*7 Second-time graduates, part-time workers and game testers, who all did not have work experiences in IT industry previously. Note that the number of FY2021 decreased because we focused on recruiting high-skilled human resources in FY2021.

*8 Cited from the Basic Statistical Survey of Wage Structure for each Fiscal Year. Figures in FY2021 are quoted from the 2020 survey. Also, due to 1) changes in definitions of each item in the survey and 2) change in SHIFT’s business scope, we have changed the items that we use to quote (as of October, 2021).

*9 Due to 1) changes in definitions of each item in the survey and 2) change in SHIFT’s business scope, we have changed the items that we use to quote (as of October, 2021).

*10 Cited from the Basic Statistical Survey of Wage Structure for each Fiscal Year. Figures in FY2021 are quoted from the 2020 survey. Also, due to 1) changes in definitions of each item in the survey and 2) change in SHIFT’s business scope, we have changed the items that we use to quote (as of October, 2021).

*11 SHIFT has adopted an Audit & Supervisory Committee from November 2019.

*12 Scope including permanent employees who have belonged to SHIFT for the whole fiscal year (from September to August every year) but excluding those who were on leave at the time of the new year’s evaluation, who are scheduled to retire, who are taking maternity/ parental leave, or who are seconded to a group company).

*13 Started in January 2020. Note that Top-gun exam is the internal system for employees of the SHIFT Group.

*14 Started in January 2020. Note that Top-gun exam is the internal system for employees of the SHIFT Group.

*15 Scope including those who have joined or left the company during each fiscal year, permanent employees, and those who have taken leave, but excluding those who are subject to the discretionary work system.

*16 Cited from the Basic Statistical Survey of Wage Structure for each Fiscal Year. Figures in FY2021 are quoted from the 2020 survey. Also, due to 1) changes in definitions of each item in the survey and 2) change in SHIFT’s business scope, we have changed the items that we use to quote (as of October, 2021).

*17 Implemented irregularly from around 2017

*18 Scope including sites in Sapporo/Osaka/Fukuoka/Nagoya and Group companies (SHIFT PLUS and Kraft) headquartered in rural area in Japan.

*19 Scope including SHIFT ASIA

*20 Started in FY2018

*21 Started in FY2015

*22 Started in FY2019

*23 Started in FY2021

*24 Started in FY2021

*25 Percentage of full-time who used SHIFRe in the previous year. SHIFRe refers to massage services of SHIFT that can be used by all employees.

*26 Number of new graduates hired during each fiscal year

*27 Ratio of employees who were contract employees at the beginning of each fiscal year and who were appointed as permanent employee under the permanent employee promotion system (excluding the change of contract from other types such as the dispatched)

*28 Number of employees who were contract employees at the beginning of each fiscal year and who were appointed as permanent employee under the permanent employee promotion system

*29 Scope including full-time employees and contract employees who have used this system within each fiscal year

*30 Number of women in positions equivalent to or higher than section chief at the end of each fiscal year

*31 Calculated from April 2018 to March 2019 for full-time and contract employees qualified to take leave (for 6 months or more after joining the company).

*32 Calculated for full-time employees. The numerator is the number of full-time employees left during each fiscal year, and the denominator is the number of full-time employees at the end of each fiscal year.

*33 SHIFT (parent) results. Scope 1 is not subject to calculation. Scope 2 is based on Location-based.

*34 SHIFT (parent) results. Estimated based on average number of employees during each fiscal year, average percentage of employees working from home during each fiscal year, and average commuting distance. Among Scope 3, “purchased products and services,” “capital goods,” “fuels and energy related activities not included in Scope1 or 2,” “upstreram transportation and delivery,” “waste generated in operations,” “upstream leased assets,” “downstream transportation and delivery,” “processing of sold products,” “use of sold products,” “end-of-life treatment of sold products,” “downstream leased assets,” and “franchises” are not applicable. Preparation for calculation is underway for “business travel” and “investments.”

*35 SHIFT (parent) results. The sum of Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 is divided by the average number of SHIFT employees on a parent basis during each fiscal year.

*36 SHIFT (parent) results. The sum of Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 is divided by net sales of SHIFT (parent) of each fiscal year (Millions of yen).