
Information posted on this website that pertains to the company’s forecasts of operating performance, plans, and strategies is based on judgments by the company’s management of information currently available. These forecasts of future operating performance include risks and uncertainties. Please understand that actual results could vary substantially from forecasts due to a variety of important elements, including the company’s operating environment, the economic situation, and market trends.

The information on this website does not represent a solicitation to buy or sell shares in SHIFT, Inc. Investors are asked to make their own investment decisions. The information posted on this website is subject to change without notice, and posted information may be taken down. Furthermore, this website may not display correctly, depending on your communications environment, the state of your computer, or other reasons.

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The information stated on this website may fall under the material facts stipulated in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (FIEA) and the Securities Listing Regulations stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition, the person who obtained the relevant information on the website may fall under the category of the primary recipient of information set forth in Article 166 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, which regulates insider trading.
Therefore, if you obtain the relevant information on this website, you may be subject to the regulation on insider trading if you buy or sell our shares, etc.
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  • When 12 hours have elapsed from the time when said information was disclosed to more than one media as set forth in Article 30 , Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement ordinance of the FIEA.
  • When said information has been made available for public inspection by an electromagnetic method specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance of the stock exchange.