Contribution to the Local Communities

As a public entity, SHIFT is committed to solving social issues through our business activities.
Many of the social issues we are working to resolve are critical social issues in the IT industry, such as protecting the working environment for employees, dissolving the multiple subcontracting structure in the software development industry, and making digital barrier-free. However, there are plenty of others in society. SHIFT believes that these issues have an either direct or indirect impact on SHIFT’s business environment.
Recognizing that our impact on society is growing and expanding, SHIFT advances initiatives for a society, as well as for IT industry in order to become an entity that creates a better society as a public entity.

Promotion of the Local Communities and Regional Revitalization

SHIFT PLUS, a SHIFT group company, is actively engaged in regional revitalization of Kochi Prefecture, where SHIFT PLUS is headquartered. In order to bring people back to Kochi Prefecture, which is facing issues such as the aging society and population decline, SHIFT PLUS is working to actively promote how appealing Kochi Prefecture is. Specifically, SHIFT PLUS operates a recruitment media , named “BUNTAN” after the popular fruits in Kochi prefecture, publishing job opportunities around Shikoku region. SHIFT PLUS also operates communities that attract people interested in either Kochi Prefecture or technology. SHIFT PLUS builds and provides services that flexibly incorporate the latest technologies and business model to solve the issues facing Kochi Prefecture. SHIFT PLUS aims at supporting Kochi Prefecture to become a role model for solving local issues.

Donations to NPO/ NGOs

SHIFT supports to resolve social issues that we cannot provide solutions with our current business activities, through donations to NPO/ NGOs.
Japan Heart was founded in 2004 as a volunteer-based international health care organization. Dr. Hideto Yoshioka, the President, launched Japan Heart after treating patients abroad for years and realizing the need for improved health care services. Japan Heart initially began offering services in Myanmar, and has since expanded into Cambodia.

In addition to donation activities, SHIFT also supports the development of a system that makes it easier to donate money to Japan Heart. Besides monetary donations, we are broadening the scope of our social contribution by providing a wide range of support, including the ones based on the knowledge we have gained through our business activities to date.

Contribution to Environment

Since SHIFT does not own data centers, direct CO2 emissions and water use and discharge from our business activities are limited. At the same time, SHIFT recognizes that the more SHIFT grows, the bigger environmental and social impact SHIFT will have. For this reason, as a citizen, SHIFT places importance on environmental conservation activities. SHIFT is working to raise awareness toward environmental conservation, such as energy-saving activities to curb CO2 emissions from the use of electricity associated with basic PC use and thorough lights-off of meeting rooms that no one uses.

In addition, one of the values that SHIFT provides through our business activities is the streamlining of the software-development process. By promoting the efficient use of human resources and processes related to software development, SHIFT believes that we contribute to a reduction in the amount of environmental capital used by the “Japanese IT industry.”

Moreover, SNC, a SHIFT group company, is working to reduce waste throughout society by the reuse business for used PCs. In this business, SNC has reduced waste by 4,162 tons in 2020, which is worth approximately ¥24 million (*) when converted to emissions trading. (*As of April 8, 2021)