
Corporate News

SNC Acquired Four Certifications, including R2 ver3

SNC Acquired Four Certifications, including R2 ver3
– Promoting Environmental Conservation Activities and Safe and Secure Business Operations in accordance with International Standards

SHIFT Inc. (“SHIFT,” headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Masaru Tange, CEO and Representative Director) announced that its wholly-owned company, SNC Co., Ltd. (“SNC,” headquartered in Osaka-shi, Osaka, Japan; Yoshiki Nakachika, President and Representative Director) has acquired four certificates including R2 ver3 in May 2024.

1. About Certificates
■R2 ver3 (Responsible Recycling): sustainable reuse and recycling of electronic equipment
This is an international standard for business environment, occupational health and safety, security measures, etc. to realize the sustainable reuse and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. In 2008, the first edition was established in the U.S.A. with the aim of solving worldwide issues related to waste disposal by encouraging companies involved in the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment to fulfill their social responsibilities, including environmental conservation.

R2 certification functions as an international standard to comprehensively demonstrate the social reliability of a company, including not only the focus on environmental conservation activities but also the transparency of business operations and the assurance of safety in the working environment. As R2 requires a company to have management system and deep knowledge in quality, environment, occupational health and safety and security, it is only 14 companies in Japan that acquired R2 as of July 2024. SNC has reached to acquire the latest version of R2 ver3 as the 12th company in Japan.

■ISO9001: quality management system
This certification proves that all business processes have established a quality management system to provide products and services that impress customers and are working on continuous improvement.

■ISO14001: environmental management system
It is a certification for a company to address environmental issues as a part of our social responsibility, reduce the environmental impact caused by economic activities, and prove that its business activities take the environment into consideration.

■ISO45001: occupational safety and health management system
This certification proves that a company complies with the laws and regulations related to safety and health at the workplace and has clarified management standards for the improvement of risks and the working environment related to the work environment.

2. About SNC Integrated Management System
To realize both environmental protection and safe and secure business operations, SNC operates an integrated management system for the reuse of electrical and electronic equipment. SNC will continue to operate its business in accordance with international standards to realize the reuse of safe and secure electrical and electronic equipment and to preserve the environment.

Overview of the SNC Integrated Management System and relationship between related certification systems

3. The SHIFT Group’s commitment to environmental protection
Since its foundation, SHIFT has promoted business activities that take ESG into account, based on its corporate philosophy of “seek out new value concepts and work sincerely to provide to the world.”

Through business activities such as streamlining the software development process and supporting DX, the SHIFT Group has contributed to reducing the amount of environmental capital used by domestic companies by promoting to streamline human resources and processes related to the business operations of companies in diverse industries and industries. At the same time, SHIFT has promoted to raise awareness among each employee toward environmental conservation through the thorough turning off light in unused office space and the promotion of hybrid work.

In addition, SNC is working to reduce waste and CO2 emissions throughout the entire community through our electronic and electrical equipment reuse business. In FY08/23, SNC reduced CO2 emissions* by 6,804 tons/year, equivalent to 68 million yen in emissions trading, and is accelerating its environmental protection efforts.

*Calculated by referring to CO2 emissions trading prices (in Euros) as of February 2024.


PR Office of SHIFT Inc.