
Corporate News

Announcement of Launch of “Quality-assurance Services Specializing in AI” / SHIFT Supporting the Use and Dissemination of AI and Accelerating its Growth in Expanding Market with Unique Strengths

Announcement of Launch of Quality-assurance Services Specializing in AI”
SHIFT Supporting the Use and Dissemination of AI
And Accelerating its Growth in Expanding Market with Unique Strengths

 SHIFT Inc. (SHIFT, headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Masaru Tange, CEO and Representative Director) has grown as it expands its business domain with the aim of becoming a comprehensive DX company centered on software testing (hereinafter testing”). Today SHIFT announced the launch ofQuality-assurance Services Specializing in AI to meet the demands in ensuring the quality of AI/ Machine Learning (hereinafter “AI) systems, which have been increasing recently. 

 According to several researches including market trend surveys conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), it is forecasted that the size of AI market grows at an accelerating pace, which is expected to continue*1. In the market for Generative AI, which gathers a lot of attentions, its market size is estimated by Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) to expand to ¥1.8 trillion in 2030, whereas it was said to be ¥0.1 trillion in 2023. Also, as represented by ChatGPT provided by OpenAI, GAFA started to offer their own Large Language Models (LLM) last year. In Japan as well, major manufacturers and telecommunications-related companies are expected to begin offering their own LLM by the end of 2024. The number of companies participating in this field will be increasing in the future, and peripheral technologies are continuing to evolve. 

 In such situation, SHIFT gets increasing number of inquiries from customers who find it difficult with AI system quality assurance and proceeding development projects, which implies that many companies are struggling to improve the quality of AI systems. Quality-assurance and testing of AI systems is very different from that of regular IT systems, and requires AI knowledge and expertise. Even with a single testing process, it is often difficult to make a clear decision as to whether a failure or not. This opacity can be said to be one of the major factors preventing the effective use of AI by companies. 

 In response to this situation, SHIFT has established Quality-assurance Services Specializing in AI that takes into account the unique characteristics of AI and leverages the know-how built and standardized through testing in order to realize high-precision quality assurance and to support more aggressive use of AI by customers. 

 In order to further penetrate and establish AI implementation and utilization at the corporate level, specialized companies with technical expertise play a key role. That is the reason why major developers, consulting companies, and vendors specializing in AI have joined in the value chain and begun to provide unique services in each of the area. 

 In the current situation where companies do not have clear advisors on the AI implementation, SHIFT Group provides one-stop solutions for the implementation, development, and utilization of AI systems.

 Through this service, SHIFT provides high-security and reliability for the development of AI systems. In addition to resolving fundamental issues related to the quality of customers’ AI systems, by improving productivity and deepening customer understanding through the use of AI, SHIFT positions itself not only as an IT vendor but also as a business partner, making a significant contribution to customersbusiness growth. 

 We also believe that this service can contribute to promoting the use of AI systems in industries that have been concerned about AI utilization because of its quality. We believe this service will further expand the scope of SHIFT’s customers. SHIFT will continue to address IT issues in all industries by capturing the needs of customers and society as a whole and by continuing to refine technologies and provide services that will create the future of IT industry. 

*1 MIC | Overview of the 2022 White Paper on Information and Communications in Japan, Part 2, Chapter 3, Section 6, “Trends of Services and Applications”


Announcement of Launch of “Quality-assurance Services Specializing in AI”

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IR Office, PR and IR Department, SHIFT Inc.