Financial Condition

Total assets

(Millions of yen)


Net assets

(Millions of yen)


Equity ratio

(Millions of yen)


Net assets per share

(Millions of yen)


Consolidated Balance Sheets

(Millions of yen)

As of August 31, 2024 As of November 30, 2024
Current assets
Cash and deposits 20,869 24,403
Notes and accounts receivable – trade, and contract assets 13,805 13,509
Inventories 977 1,367
Other 1,382 1,596
Allowance for doubtful accounts (13) (13)
Total current assets 37,022 40,862
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 6,818 6,673
Intangible assets
Goodwill 9,262 9,236
Other 4,615 4,679
Total intangible assets 13,877 13,916
Investments and other assets
Investment securities 1,145 993
Other 3,921 3,826
Allowance for doubtful accounts (68) (59)
Total investments and other assets 4,998 4,760
Total non-current assets25,695 25,349
Total assets 62,717 66,212
Current liabilities
Accounts payable – trade 1,509 1,741
Short-term borrowings 50 4,050
Current portion of long-term borrowings 2,856 2,884
Accrued expenses 6,367 5,888
Income taxes payable 2,012 1,255
Provision for bonuses 339 493
Provision for loss on orders received 0
Other 6,517 6,439
Total current liabilities 19,653 22,752
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings 6,671 5,892
Retirement benefit liability 33 141
Asset retirement obligations 627 629
Other 1,209 1,190
Total non-current liabilities 8,542 7,853
Total liabilities 28,195 30,605
Net assets
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital 21 21
Capital surplus 15,854 15,854
Retained earnings 23,029 25,006
Treasury shares (4,940) (5,940)
Total shareholders’ equity 33,964 34,941
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities (304) (291)
Foreign currency translation adjustment 24 24
Total accumulated other comprehensive income (279) (266)
Share award rights 328 384
Share acquisition rights 25 25
Non-controlling interests 482 522
Total net assets 34,522 35,606
Total liabilities and net assets 62,717 66,212


  • This data may not be updated promptly, even in the event of revisions to financial results.
  • Some indicators may be revised only on an annual basis due to changes in the format for disclosing financial results.

As the company first began preparing consolidated financial statements in the fiscal year ended August 31, 2013 (the 8th fiscal period), key management indicators and other trends for prior consolidated fiscal years are not indicated.
The company conducted a 1:100 stock split on January 11, 2011 and another 1:100 stock split on July 8, 2014. Per-share indicators have been retroactively adjusted to take these stock splits into account.